Posted on 4/28/2022

Snowstorms and slippery roads, as well as the buildup of salt and fluids over the winter, take their toll on any vehicle. To survive as long as necessary and safeguard your investment, autos need both external and interior upkeep. If you don't take the necessary procedures each season, the expense of repairs and upkeep may add up quickly. It's important to do your homework after a long winter to ensure that car expenditures don't sneak up on you, even when the weather improves. Here are five important spring car care tips to maintain a steady transition into warmer weather for your vehicles. 1. Change Fluids It's a good idea to refill your car's important fluids in the spring. There are other fluids to consider in addition to changing your oil and keeping your windshield washer fluid full. Check the fluids in your power steering, brakes, and gearbox. When the levels are low, fill them up and flush/replace them according to your owner's manual's instructi ... read more
Posted on 3/30/2022

A car's suspension system is indispensable as it provides smooth and comfortable rides. When your car ride feels too bumpy, the chances are that your shocks and struts are going bad. With new suspension parts, you will gain better control and handling of the car. Like any other car component, shocks and struts can decline from normal wear and tear. The first telltale sign of failing shocks is a greasy appearance, which means they are damaged. Driving with poor suspension doesn't just affect your ride quality, but it can prematurely wear down your tires. Furthermore, your other suspension components can also decline along with it. Below are the signs that indicate you need to replace your shocks or struts: Your vehicle is drifting during turns You experience instability when accelerating The front end of the car rises, and the back end squats Your tires are wearing down unevenly Your vehicle bounces excessively You notice fluid leaks on the surface ... read more
Posted on 2/28/2022

As a responsible and safe driver, you probably use and rely on your speedometer every time you drive. If you're not familiar with the term, your vehicle's speedometer is the thing that tells you how fast your car is traveling in miles per hour. If your speedometer is not working correctly, your safety is very much at risk. Without knowing how fast your vehicle is traveling, monitoring your speed against traffic is nearly impossible. And often, a broken speedometer can lead to accidents, injuries, and speeding tickets. If you suspect that your speedometer is inaccurate or isn't working, please bring your car to J & F Motors Ltd for a check-up. Did you know that the speedometer in your vehicle is connected with the transmission and the rotation of the driveshaft? Those parts' motions translate to how fast your wheels/tires spin. When your speedometer is malfunctioning, odds are your cruise control won't work either. Furthermore, it may also trigger a dash ... read more
Posted on 1/31/2022

The brakes are crucial when it comes to your safety while driving. You never want to find yourself in a situation where your brakes don't work. You want your car to slow or stop when you need it to, so paying attention to how your brakes perform and getting them serviced on time is key. The question is, how do you know if you need brake service? Well, the answer is simple. Take a look at your car's owner's manual. There, you will find manufacturer recommendations including at what mileage intervals to have your car's various brake components inspected or replaced. Another way to know if you need brake service is to pay attention to how your brakes perform and to never ignore a problem when it arises. You can also bring your car to our shop where we can look up your vehicle's manufacturer recommendations when it comes to various services such as brake pad replacement, brake rotor resurfacing, brake fluid flushes, brake line repair, brake bleeding, and more. Here a ... read more